What You Need to Know About Vinyl Flooring For Your Glasgow Home

So you’ve decided that it’s time for new vinyl flooring. Perhaps you knew up front that you wanted vinyl, or maybe you discovered that this type of flooring is very versatile and can give you the look you want at a fraction of the price of purchasing other types of flooring. You’ve probably already noticed that there are numerous options available, but it’s important to realise when you go shopping that there’s much more than meets the eye to flooring. Choosing the right type of vinyl floors is about much more than just picking out a color you like.

What You Need to Know About Vinyl Flooring For Your Glasgow Home 

There are several things you should find out about before you purchase any vinyl flooring:

  • Thickness – Vinyl floors are made of a wear layer, a decorative layer, an inner foam layer, and backing. That being said, you don’t necessarily want a thick vinyl floor. You actually want one with a thick wear layer so that it will be durable and long-lasting. The wear layer is the one that determines how long your floor will last and how much abuse it can take. So consider how much foot traffic you get in the area and use that as a guide to figure out how thick of a wear layer you need.
  • Seams – Vinyl sheets come in six and 12 inch widths, so it’s very likely that you will have to deal with seams in your room. It’s important to think about where those seams are going to be once the flooring is installed. Also keep in mind that some patterns hide the seams better than others.
  • Quality – Every floor comes with a set of characteristics that should be explained to you before you purchase it. Most floors also come with a warranty, so be sure to ask experts at the store you’re shopping at to help you compare a few different vinyl floors. There are sure to be benefits and disadvantages of each brand, so take these into consideration while you shop.
  • Cost – It can be natural to just consider the floor’s cost per square foot, but there are other factors that you should not forget about. For example, how much is installation going to cost? Do you have to pay someone to move the furniture out of the way so that the new floor can be installed? Is delivery of the flooring included? Does the sub-floor need to be prepared in some way? What other materials are going to be needed in order to install the floor. How much does it cost to dispose of the old flooring? All of these factors can raise the cost per square foot drastically when you add them in. They could also cause you to change your mind about which flooring is best.

Quality vinyl flooring is sure to last you for many years if you choose it wisely.

It definitely helps to have an expert with you every step of the way through the selection process. You need someone who can answer all of your questions and help you figure out which particular floor is the most cost effective one for your specific needs.

At DFS Glasgow we can give you expert advice regarding your new carpet. We have an extensive range of designs and styles in store to suit any room. So if you would like some free advice, or a quotation, please contact us on  0141 621 2990 or you can email us info@dfsglasgow.co.uk  We are always happy to help.

All of our contact details are on our website https://dfsglasgow.co.uk

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